Thursday, July 14, 2011

Apple-orange smoothie for breakfast

 Just as I was doing my research on oxidation process and blending smoothies, my gastronomic urge hit me and my palate is craving for something to eat. So because of the fact that I am in the middle of something very important  that I do not want to be disturbed and tempting as it can be I do not want to open the bag of chips on top of my refrigerator (for calorie burning reasons). I opt to (of course), make myself a smoothie which in all aspects we all agree that is healthy, heavy on the tummy and refreshing not to mention easy to prepare on a hot and sunny afternoon.

Anyways, going back to my cravings, I decided to make an apple-orange smoothie. Why? because they are both rich in Vitamin C and fiber. Oh! Seriously? Well, It's all that I've got from my chiller. There, guilty as charged. Again I just used whatever I have in my kitchen to make one decent smoothie.

Apple- Orange smoothie
Serves 2

1 apple (chopped)
1 orange (sliced)
1 1/2 cup milk
3 tbsp Honey
2 tsp flax seed (ground)
6 ice cubes

  • Process everything in a blender. I use my favorite high performance blender of all time THE OMNIBLENDER V. at 60 second cycle or until desired consistency is reached.
  • Pour into a glass and enjoy your easy to prepare 1 minute smoothie creation.

Before I get back to my research, let's evaluate the taste and nutrient content of the smoothie I just made:

Taste: Not to sweet and not too bland, just right for my taste buds. But if you prefer it sweet just add more honey or agave syrup.
Consistency: Not too creamy. I lack a fruit base to make it rich and smooth. So I suggest you add a 1 banana or other base fruit you prefer (Refer to
Color: Pale yellow-orange
Nutrient Content: Vitamin C, flavonoids, fiber, anti-oxidants, calcium.

Healthily Yours, 

Smoothie junkie

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