Monday, June 27, 2011

Pumpkin Soup on a bad weather

Imagine a week long non-stop cloud burst with no sunlight peeping from the sky and all you want to do is hibernate under the sheets for as long as you want. Would you be very kind to your bed and relish the comforts the bed weather brings or kill your own fantasy by getting up and work. Of course, the latter is more realistic isn't it?

Well, the advantage of working from home is that you just have to literally get up, take a shower and face your computer to work. No hassles of commuting and jammed traffic on your way to and from work and in this case where the typhoon is unstoppable, scuffling against the downpour is impossible.

While I was shut inside my abode, my food supply was not sufficient enough to last for 7 days and as much as I would love to go for a quick run at a near grocery store, the gust of wind and flooded streets made me give up on the attempt to go out. So, I checked the kitchen for something to eat and all I have are bread, vegetables  such as spinach, eggplant, carrots and pumpkin. Now, due to my in dire need to eat, I came up with an idea cook something using the resources that I have. Went to check on the internet for some recipes and off to my kitchen to perform some magic! FYI, I am neither a chef nor a cook. I am just.... HUNGRY! So, i consider it a miracle if i can pull it off.

Here is the recipe I found on the internet: (I replaced some that I cannot find in my kitchen)


3 cups Pumpkin/ squash (chopped)
2  small carrots (chopped)
3 cups milk
2 tbsp maple syrup
2 tsp salt 

1 tsp pepper
3 tbsp butter
3 cloves garlic

1 small chopped onions

  • Boil the chopped pumpkin and carrots for 3 minutes. Just enough to soften the vegetables.
  • Process all the ingredients using a blender. I used my high performance Omniblender V at 90 sec. cycle. or until smooth and creamy.
  • Add more hot water as needed, until the desired consistency is reached.

So, there it is in less than 30 minutes I managed to make something out of nothing. Pumpkin soup together with slices of wheat bread is enough to satisfy my hunger.

Pumpkin Soup

Healthily Yours,

Smoothie Junkie

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