Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Organic versus Conventional food products

Organic Farming is a natural way of agriculture. This method produces crops using crop rotation, green manure, biological pest control and the use of natural fertilizers. The aim of organic farming is to produce good quality crops with high nutrition values with no damage to mother earth by completely breaking the habit of using synthetic chemicals such as pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers, etc. Organic food saves us from the alarming effects of conventional foods that are chock-full of fertilizers that will eventually take its toll on our body's immune system.
It is surprising that nowadays a lot of consumers are changing, from conventional to healthy organic lifestyle. People are now wiser and more cautious on what they cook for dinner for their families. But then the problem is, not everyone can afford it. Organic is generally expensive than conventional food. Is it really? Let see.
  • Organic food production is limited as compared to conventional. It is a fight over quality versus quantity. The fact is that non-organic products produce more because of the fertilizers they use to increase production. However, with organic products, they may be lesser in production but it is jam-packed with nutrients that makes it tastier, juicier (fruits), greener and healthier of course.
  •  Farmers do not use fertilizers and pesticides so hard labour is exerted to meet the demands of organic farming. Natural ways of soil fertilization, pest control and production is very toilsome for farmers growing organic foods.
  • The demand exceeds the supply. Because of the sudden increase in demand of organic food, people who are selling them peddle the goods at a higher price in the market.
  • No government subsidies allocation for Organic farming unlike conventional farming. The government funds conventional farming because they are in dire need of fertilizers for mass and fast production. Or else, we will all starve. Like what happened after World War II where food is scarce and people are dying out of starvation. In lieu of this horrible event, the government decided to load the farms with chemicals to increase growth and production without the realization that the quality of the crops perished.

So it seems like, Organic food products are more expensive than conventional but come to think of the benefits. Some studies show that habitual intake of organic food reduces the risk for cancer and other diseases. Also, you are not only saving yourself but the planet as well. You see with Organic farming, the soil life will be preserved until the next generations to come. Water pollution from the chemicals that is washed out into the bodies of water will be reduced.

There is no doubt that money-wise organic products is a pretty penny but come to think of it, does it really burn a hole in your pocket ?


The images are not mine unless otherwise stated. Courtesy of

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