Sunday, July 24, 2011

What is Nut milk?

Nut Milk is a delicious and healthy alternative to Soy and cow's milk. It is processed by blending nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts,pistachios,etc. Many people are hooked with Nut milk because it is packed with nutrients.

What are the nutrients you can get from nut milk?
In terms of nutrient content Nut milk is very nutritious. for example Almond nut milk has chock-full of Protein, Calcium. potassium, magnessium and phosphorus.

Who can drink Nut Milk?
Nut Milk is the number one Vegans and raw foodist' choice for a dairy substitute and those who have lactose intolerance can safely drink nut milk without having intestinal discomfort. Also, nowadays people are uncovering the significance of nut milk and starting to like how it taste,how easy it is to prepare not to mention the handful nutritional benefits it offers.

Where can I buy one?
Nut Milks come in different nutty flavors at grocery stores. I also suggest you go to your nearest Organic food market, they don't run out of Nut milks.

Can I prepare it myself at home?
Yes of course, It is cheaper and more fun. You can make a lot of different formulas for your Nut milk. You can make an Almond Chocolate Milk, add some strawberries on it,...etc. It is actually fun. Next time I will make a video and show you how easy it is.

What tools will I use to prepare Nut milk at home?
  1. A Blender. I prefer 3HP Blenders like Omni Blender
  2. Nut Milk bag- To strain leftover nut residue

what kind of nuts are used for making nutmilk?
The most common is Almond Nut Milk. However, you can use all types of nuts like almonds, hazelnuts,pistachios, pecan, walnuts, cashew, pine nuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts,...etc. 

How long is the shelf life of Nut Milk?
3-4 days maximum as long as it is stored in your fridge, It is all good.

Is there any disadvantages?

  1. People who are allergic to nuts obviously cannot drink it.
  2. Nuts naturally have acid content so too much Nut milk intake can stain your teeth in the long run.  proper oral hygiene will solve your problem.
  3. Too much intake is always bad. Most cases of abdominal distress from Nut milks are caused by excessive consumption. Drink moderately.
Why is it better than Cow's milk or other dairy?
  1. Lactose-free
  2. More nutrients
  3. Gluten- free
  4. Low in fat (Chestnuts)
  5. Tastier than Dairy and Soy

Nut Milks are not only nutritious but also very easy and fun to make. On my next video blog I will show you how to make one.


The images are not mine unless otherwise stated. Courtesy of

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