Sunday, July 24, 2011

Homemade french dressing

It was a voracious weekend for us at home. Pigging out on a weekend is our guilty pleasure. We eat everything and anything my mom cooks. Her cooking is so scrumptious, even a simple meal is very delicious and irresistible. That is why we do not let her cook yummy dishes on weekdays to save ourselves from gaining extra pounds. That is how good her cooking is.

So we decided to have the classic green salad with a twist of homemade French dressing from Chef Carmella Soleil's Deliciously Raw Book. I volunteered to prepare the dressing, it looks simple and yes I was right. So here’s the recipe for the yummy dressing I made.

1/2 cup roughly chopped tomato
1/2 medium avocado
1/2 cup lemon or lime juice
1/4 cup cold pressed olive oil
1 teaspoon salt/ tamari (to taste)
1 teaspoon chopped green onion
1 teaspoon raw agave nectar or honey
1 teaspoon dried mustard
1/2 teaspoon thyme
2 garlic cloves
1 tsp. Flaxseed

Process all ingredients in the OmniBlender using 60 second cycle or until smooth and creamy. Serve with fresh lettuce.

Taste: The thyme gave it a very distinct taste that stays in your mouth which made it very tasty. The avocado and mustard gave the dressing the creaminess and smoothness. Mild spiciness from the garlic. Sweetness from the honey made it perfect.

Very creamy and smooth considering I blended it only at a 60 second cycle.

Color:  Mustard

Nutrient Content: Lycopene, rich in fiber, vitamin A-B complex, Vitamin C, antioxidants.

Flavourful, tangy and surprisingly yummy. I was surprised to taste every bit of the flavour coming from each and every ingredient. It is sweet, slightly spicy and mildly sour which makes it a perfect dressing for me.

It was my first time to try blending a dressing for my salad, usually I buy commercialized, from the bottle dressings. I was amazed how appetizing it tastes. The experience was fun considering all raw ingredients are from my kitchen and only took me less than 5 minutes to prepare it.

Looking forward to my next raw and homemade dressing.


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