Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Burning it the green way

Have you ever watched a movie and drool over hot bodies that you wish you have? And before you know it, you are on your second bag of chips and soda drink and tell yourself, “this is the last bag of chips…I will start hitting the gym tomorrow!...And then tomorrow never came. I feel for you, I do. I have been feeling the same way over and over again.
Losing weight is something I have been struggling to do ever since I can remember. I t is my frustration that I cannot maintain the weight I lost because it keeps on coming back every time.  Two years ago, I was 10 kilograms over weight. It was not only depressing but very alarming as well. It was a wakeup call; I needed to lose the undesirable weight so I tried diet pills to get back into shape the fastest but in a very wrong way.
I admit it was totally unhealthy and dangerous. Yes, it was effective I lost all 10kilograms In a matter of 5 months but as the saying goes you cannot have it all. I decided to stop the pills because I experienced these symptoms:
·         Dehydration
·         Constipation
·         Excessive sweating
·         Insomnia
·         Pimples/zits
·         Depression
·         Palpitation that could lead to heart attack

Not long after I stopped taking the pills, I was slowly regaining the weight I lost, my appetite was disturbingly big, insomnia worsened and the zits (Oh!) It covered my flawless face for months and now I am left with zit scars reminding me of how I ruined my body by choosing the unhealthy way of losing weight.
This opted me to find healthier ways to solve all the problems mentioned above. I always knew that going green and being fit is always the answer (Who doesn’t?) but I am just too stubborn and lazy to even start the habit.

Losing weight the proper way takes discipline, inspiration and determination. The hardest part of it is the beginning. To start losing weight is to start living healthy and to start living healthy you must forget the old habits and never look back. I made myself a Big 3 attitude mindset to help me start, continue and finish my goal.
  The BIG 3 attitudes to success are:

1.       Discipline- is a mental self- control used in directing or changing behaviour, learning something, or training for something (Encarta). This is easier said than done a lot failed but those who succeeded, oh well, need I say more?

·         Control what you eat- I don’t mean starve yourself. Start with small portions every meal. Cut your food intake into half to it or make a green smoothies for breakfast, believe me it can sustain hunger until your next meal. When I say green, I mean fruits and vegetables without any preservatives.

·         Exercise- Make time to at least jog or go to the gym 2-3 times a day.  We all know it burn calories and fats but it is not only that. It actually gives us more energy, stamina and a more focused and happy mind. It benefits not only on the physical aspect but mentally and emotionally as well.

2.       Inspiration- somebody or something that inspires: somebody or something that inspires somebody to creative thought or to the making of art (Encarta). Be inspired to get you going!
Post Ryan Reynolds’s Abs or Megan Fox’s hot body where you can see it often so you will have the motivation to get the body that inspires you.
Buy a weighing scale and weigh yourself every 3 days so you can see how you progress from time to time and put that in writing. Remember numbers don’t lie and this will inspire you to lose more because you see less numbers.                             
3.       Determination- firmness of purpose, will, or intention; fixed purpose or resolution (Encarta). Be firm enough to finish what you started. Take off lightly; set up short term goals (baby steps) and you will get a hang of it. Don’t do it because you have to, do it because you love yourself and you want your self esteem back. Not to mention, being healthy and fit.

As of this moment I am fist fighting with discipline but I try to make sure my opponent wins over me. Well, It is a win-win situation after all.  So, I hope I helped you somehow, let me know how you enjoy the challenge of losing weight the healthy way.


Smoothie Junkie

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