Tuesday, May 24, 2011

10 best foods for a GREEN heart

The heart is the powerhouse of our body.  It is the most abused organ. It pumps restlessly and tirelessly since conception, not to mention how we live our lives sedentarily.  Heart disease is the major cause of death in the United States and the number keeps on growing annually. That is why we have to protect our hearts from bad Cholesterol by being firm and eating the right kinds of food.
Here are some of the few healthy food options that you can add to your smoothie diet for a greener heart:

  1. Blueberries- are on the top list of super foods for the heart. It contains an antioxidant called anthocyanins that are packed with fiber, vitamin C and other nutrients needed by the body. Anthocyanins can also be found in other red/purplish fruits and vegetables. You can binge on it or add it in your smoothies. It is the most common natural sweetener used in green smoothies.
  2. Oatmeal-  You can never go wrong with oatmeal. It is packed with omega 3 fatty acids, folate and potassium. It lowers bad cholesterol (LDL). To enjoy your oatmeal add your favourite fruits. I suggest blueberries; then you eat 2 ingredients that are good for the heart.
  3. Avocado- Is the most nutritious fruit in the world. It provides more that 25 essential nutrients such as protein, potassium, vitamin E, folic acid and it contains (good) fat the body can use up for energy. Avocado is a complete food. You can eat it whole or blend it as a refreshing smoothie ingredient.
  4. Spinach-The powerhouse of the vegetable kingdom. Vitamin C, folate and  4 times more beta carotene are a few of its qualities that make spinach a green leafy wonder. A dose of spinach a day keeps the doctor away.
  5. Extra virgin olive oil- People from the Mediterranean are use Olive oil on a daily basis. This explains why their risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer is lower than in other countries. Olive oil is brimming with mono-saturated fats that help lower LDL levels or the so called, bad cholesterol.
  6. Flaxseed- The modern miracle food. It has a high content of Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) that aids in lowering bad cholesterol. Also packed with omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids and fiber as well. Add these seeds in your oatmeal and smoothies. A dash of this miracle seed can go a long way.
  7. Whole grain bread- Dig in to whole grain bread if you love carbs, your belly and your heart. It contains folate which helps form red blood cells. It makes you feel full longer than white bread and lowers your blood cholesterol.
  8. Peanut Butter- Filled with polyunsaturated fat, it keeps your blood vessels healthy. 1-2 spoons a day reduces your cholesterol levels. Put some with your whole grain bread for a twofold hearty benefit.
  9. Dark Chocolate- Flavonoids improves blood flow and a dark chocolate contains 95% of it. Tempting as it may be but do not eat the whole bar of chocolate, it still contains fats and sugar. A piece a day will do the trick for a happy heart.

  1. Salmon- one of the most valued fish in the world. It is rich in Omega 3 fatty acid that lowers the risk for rhythmic disorders and inflammation. 1-2 servings of salmon per week is recommended

Here is one of Chef Carmella Soleil’s (The Sunny Raw Kitchen) healthy smoothie recipe from the Deliciously Raw Book. It is a perfect recipe book for ALL-RAW-ALL-GREEN juices, sauces, dressings, smoothies, soups, deserts, pastes, and cheeses. Chef Carmella has been an expert raw food chef for many years.

(Serves 2)

2 Bananas
1 Mango, fresh or frozen
1 Orange
1-2 cups fresh spinach, according to taste
2 tablespoons Gogi berries (optional)
Juice of ½ lemon or lime
Water, until desired consistency is reached
Sweetener of choice, as needed (you can add blueberries, honey or agave nectar)

Process all Ingredients in the OMNI Blender using the 90 second cycle, or until the greens are completely broken down.
If necessary, adjust sweetness by adding raw agave nectar or honey and blending again briefly.

IF you know of more healthy foods that are not on the list, feel free to leave a comment below.
Let’s get healthy!!

Healthily Yours,
Smoothie Junkie

Photos courtesy of Google Images

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