Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Netted Melon

Cantaloupe is a tropical fruit that is very common here in the Philippines. It has various names from all over the world such as rock melon, mush melon and my favorite of them all the netted melon- obviously because the cantaloupe's surface looks like it is wrapped by a net. Cantaloupes are from the family of squash,cucumber and pumpkin.  It is also interesting to know that melons are rich in Vitamin C, E and beta carotene. For a very light and refreshing fruit packed with nutrition, you can never go wrong with cantaloupes.

Melon shake is one of my favorite smoothie beverage because it is very light unlike fruit bases such as avocado and bananas that are thick and creamy. So because of my melon shake craving I drop some fresh melons and blend it!

1 cantaloupe fruit (sliced)
1/4 cup Agave nectar/ Honey
Ice cubes
Milk/Nutmilk/ Yoghurt
1 Banana fruit (optional)

Blend it all together at 60 seconds cycle using OMNI Blender V and serve. You can add melon chunks if you want.

You can never go wrong with this sweet and light beverage. It is not expensive and indeed a practical way of  getting your daily dose of vitamins. Don't you think?


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