Saturday, July 23, 2011

Now Showing: The Junk and Ugly Truth

Not only that I am a smoothie junkie but also a movie and TV series aficionado. I have this daily habit of watching one movie per day, not necessarily in the big screen but at home before sleeping and usually a DVD marathon of my favourite TV series during the weekends (The Big Bang Theory is my current obsession). However, the downside of this habit is the snacks. As For me junk food and soda is always the top food choice to go with a good movie, it takes two to tango, right?

But then eventually I realized I have to break the unhealthy snack habit and change the pattern of my eating behaviour. Here's why: I gained weight so fast that my jeans wont fit anymore and I was once dizzy the whole day after I consumed a bag of MSG-packed chips. Well, that was my body pleading to cut down my intake of preservative rich foods and I have to listen for my own good. The idea is excruciating for my palate but beneficial to my health. I do not want to die young, overweight and depressed! Do you? I don't think so.
So the idea popped out at once. Since I love popcorn and smoothies why not splurge on it rather than chips and sodas. FYI: all homemade ingredients.


1/2 cup Corn seeds/kernels
 2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil/Olive oil
1 tbsp. Light Butter

-Coat the bottom part of the pan with Olive oil at medium- high heat
- Add the corn Kernels. Make sure to cover the pan
- Let the Kernels cook and shake it once in awhile
-In 3-5 minutes when it stopped popping turn off the stove, let it cool, out it in a bowl, add some butter and serve.

Mango smoothie
1 ripe Mango
1/2 cup milk
Ice cubes
Honey/ Agave nectar

Process everything on a blender at 60 second cycle (I use my OMNI BLENDER V) or until its creamy. Add some honey to taste.

There you go. Nothing fancy just homemade, msg-free and healthy. Oh by the way, I buy organic chips once in awhile for a change but the smoothies...oh! I love it! I can have those creamy and smooth beverage every hour of every day =)

Smoothie Junkie

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