Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Who would have thought that most of the exotic fruits are found here in the Philippines. I did some digging and to my surprise the fruits that I certainly grew up with eating are among the exotic fruits in the world. Exotic fruits or commonly called tropical fruits and are famous for its fresh and citrus orientation. Here are some of the exotic tropical fruits which I find very odd looking and interesting. Not all of them are found in the Philippines though.

1. Kumquat
Originated in China
Looks and taste like orange but in smaller package. Like oranges, it is often used for juices, teas, marmalades or to add a citrus taste on pastries.

2. Duriana.k.a The King of Fruits
Widely popular in Southeast Asia for its overpowering and offensive aroma. Not everyone are pleased with durian but for those who love it (count me in) makes smoothies, candies, pastries, etc. out of it. The rich and creamy texture and taste of the durian fruit will make you dig in for more just cover your nose.

3. Mangosteen

Tropical evergreen tree
This odd looking purple fruit is indeed very delicious. You can just crack it open using your thumb and point finger and eat those white sweet and sour fruit. Be careful with the purple part it stains badly. There are actually people who studied the mangosteen fruit and claimed that it has healing properties which as expected later on they made coffee, teas and food supplements out of it.

4. African Cucumber
a.k.a. The horned melon
It is originally from Africa but can now be found in California and New Zealand. This strange looking fruit is often used for juices, smoothies and as a decoration.

5. Rambutan
Hairy but sweetThis hairy fruit is red and sweet when ripe. You can actually tell when it is sweet just by looking at it especially when a battalion of ants are around the fruit. When eating Rambutan, you have to savor the sweet juice before you eat the fruit.

6. Jackfruit
Largest tree born fruit
Jackfruit is common in Southeast Asia. This huge fruit is used for making marmalade, smoothies and fruit salads. The fruit is sweet and soft but be careful you dont want to eat the whole fruit aside from the fact that you cannot (because its big) it usually causes indigestion in large amount and if not chewed properly.

7. Dragon fruita.k.a Pitaya/ strawberry pearThe most interesting fruit I ever saw because it is actually from cactus species and looking at the fruit, it is not that inviting and looks more like a vegetable for cooking rather than a fruit. But to my surprise it taste pretty good. The dragon fruit tastes like papaya, you can actually eat the seeds. The color is fun and unusual that is why it is often mixed with other fruits to make one delicious smoothies.

There are still a lot of exotic tropical fruits around the world these are jsut a few of them. Explore and taste strange and odd looking fruits of nature. You might be surprise and end up loving it!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Netted Melon

Cantaloupe is a tropical fruit that is very common here in the Philippines. It has various names from all over the world such as rock melon, mush melon and my favorite of them all the netted melon- obviously because the cantaloupe's surface looks like it is wrapped by a net. Cantaloupes are from the family of squash,cucumber and pumpkin.  It is also interesting to know that melons are rich in Vitamin C, E and beta carotene. For a very light and refreshing fruit packed with nutrition, you can never go wrong with cantaloupes.

Melon shake is one of my favorite smoothie beverage because it is very light unlike fruit bases such as avocado and bananas that are thick and creamy. So because of my melon shake craving I drop some fresh melons and blend it!

1 cantaloupe fruit (sliced)
1/4 cup Agave nectar/ Honey
Ice cubes
Milk/Nutmilk/ Yoghurt
1 Banana fruit (optional)

Blend it all together at 60 seconds cycle using OMNI Blender V and serve. You can add melon chunks if you want.

You can never go wrong with this sweet and light beverage. It is not expensive and indeed a practical way of  getting your daily dose of vitamins. Don't you think?
