Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Facing FAQs (Green Smoothies stripped)

What is a smoothie?
Smoothies- a blended, chilled beverage made from fresh fruits or artificial flavourings.      They are milkshake-like in taste and texture and can also contain milk, chocolate and whatever is pleasing to the taste buds. It is a very classic refreshment as well. Milk from the cow, however, is for cows. Unless you looked in the mirror lately and you saw a cow, a substitute milk from almonds or cashews is very likely better for human consumption.

What is a green smoothie?
A GREEN smoothie is from all-natural blended whole ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. Raw green smoothies are healthy and flooded with nutrients the body needs. Vegans use RAW organic ingredients and non-dairy products. But for starters it is not a must since organic ingredients are a little bit pricey.

How do I prepare a smoothie?
Piece of cake [smoothie]! All you need is your favourite fruits and vegetables, a base, ice and/or water and a high performance blender. Best is a 3 horsepower Blender. Rule of thumb: Make your smoothies as simple as possible, lesser ingredients promote better digestion.

Can I mix fruits and vegetables at the same time?
You can mix anything your heart desires. Some fruits and vegetables go together better than others. Fruits like apple, oranges, grapes, and vegetables like carrot and spinach complement each other. Some fruits can be too sweet; vegetables can sometimes be too bitter or bland. Some vegetables like cabbage can turn spicy in the blending process with a high power blender. Mixing them carefully together, considering the compatibility, makes perfect smoothies. Following recipes from Chef’s like Carmella Soleil can help you learn and also avoid vegetable and fruit clashes.

How often should I have a green smoothie?
1 liter per day is the ideal ratio. You can start with 16 oz twice daily, which makes 1 liter. You can never go wrong with your smoothies drink till you drop [and you won’t]! At least you are drinking healthy, right?

How can I make it sweet without adding artificial sweeteners?
Use ripe fruits. A fruit is sweetest when it is ripe (not over ripe please). I recommend ripe bananas, mangoes, figs, plums, berries, agave nectar or honey.

Can I store my smoothies for days before I consume it?
Fresh is still the best!  Right after you blend it drink it. But yes you can store it inside your freezer or refrigerator in an air-tight jar or any container. The taste and the nutrient level will likely change some what. You need to keep the smoothie in an air-tight container to reduce oxidation as much as possible. If you ever have seen a green smoothie that was brown, you know what we mean with oxidation.

Can GREEN smoothies help me with my unhealthy food cravings?
Yes but not right away. It takes time for your palate to get used to it. But once it did, you will be surprised to crave for more healthy foods instead. You will likely be able to notice a difference in energy levels. Green smoothies increase your energy levels and and when you go back to your hamburger habit, your energy will slow down.

My friend lost weight eating just vegetables but I hate eating green leafs, do you think smoothies can make me love vegetables?
Vegetables are not everyone’s choice of food but in order to be fit and healthy you need to add some greens to your diet. Smoothies’ is a health conscious man’s best friend. It is considered as nature’s way of making people (not only) love vegetables but also addicted to it. So, yes! You will love your veggies in the glass.

How long will it take for me to make a smoothies?
It depends on your blender and what you drop into it. It should take 1-2 minutes maximum for a high performance blender to do the job with fruits and vegetables.  It can take longer if you blend nuts, seeds and other solid foods with your smoothie ingredients. So if you do not have a high performance blender it is better to mince, slice, cut everything into halves if you have to, to save time and also to get it blended up at least to a drinkable consumable smoothie texture.

Do I need a specific type of blender or are they all the same?
You need a high performance blender to make your smoothies perfect. Meaning, the texture, consistency (no chunks) and taste is way better than buying just “a” blender. The good thing with 3 horsepower high powered blenders is that you don’t need to chop everything to make sure it won’t stop in the middle of blending. It saves time and energy. It breaks up the cell walls and thus your micronized veggies and fruits  will yield a much higher level of phyto-nutrition.
Generally a smoothie made in a high-performance-blender yields more nutrients with less ingredients than a low-powered blender. And that means also savings in ingredients.

What you need to consider when buying a blender :
OMNI Blender V 3HP
  • At least 3 Horsepower Motor
  • Heavy duty applications for tough ingredients
  • Quick touch pulse Button Feature
  • Multi-Speed is great. Consider user-friendliness and avoid those that have too many technical gimmicks and programs. One with 3 Speeds (low, medium, high) with integrated auto speed adjustment is probably the best.
  • A multi purpose blade
  • Blends grains, nuts, avocado pits, ice cubes, etc.
  • Make hot soups, sauces, cream, nut butters, ice cream, and fantastically fine smoothies (breaks cell walls)
  • Not too expensive and with a long term warranty – A good blender with a 7 years warranty is available at $ 250.00.

I was about to consider buying the $500 high performance Blender when the OMNI BLENDER caught my attention. I was at first hesitant to believe how a cheaper by half the price can perform the abovementioned but I was convinced with the reviews about it. So I got one. Guess what? It is no doubt worth every penny. I am enjoying the smoothie experience with my OMNI BLENDER.

I ran out of smoothies recipe and some ingredients are not available in my area. Where can I find more recipes?
There are a lot of recipe guide books that can be bought in the stores or even online. But if you don’t have enough money to buy one, you can always surf the net for free recipes. Also, if you buy a blender most of them come with a recipe guidebook to help you start the smoothie habit.  DELICIOUSLY RAW Recipe Book by Chef Carmella Soleil is a perfect recipe for ALL-RAW-ALL-GREEN juices, sauces, dressings, smoothies, soups, deserts, pastes, and cheeses.

Have fun experimenting with your smoothies, being healthy is not boring at all!  

Healthily Yours,
Smoothie Junkie

Photos courtesy of Google Images

10 best foods for a GREEN heart

The heart is the powerhouse of our body.  It is the most abused organ. It pumps restlessly and tirelessly since conception, not to mention how we live our lives sedentarily.  Heart disease is the major cause of death in the United States and the number keeps on growing annually. That is why we have to protect our hearts from bad Cholesterol by being firm and eating the right kinds of food.
Here are some of the few healthy food options that you can add to your smoothie diet for a greener heart:

  1. Blueberries- are on the top list of super foods for the heart. It contains an antioxidant called anthocyanins that are packed with fiber, vitamin C and other nutrients needed by the body. Anthocyanins can also be found in other red/purplish fruits and vegetables. You can binge on it or add it in your smoothies. It is the most common natural sweetener used in green smoothies.
  2. Oatmeal-  You can never go wrong with oatmeal. It is packed with omega 3 fatty acids, folate and potassium. It lowers bad cholesterol (LDL). To enjoy your oatmeal add your favourite fruits. I suggest blueberries; then you eat 2 ingredients that are good for the heart.
  3. Avocado- Is the most nutritious fruit in the world. It provides more that 25 essential nutrients such as protein, potassium, vitamin E, folic acid and it contains (good) fat the body can use up for energy. Avocado is a complete food. You can eat it whole or blend it as a refreshing smoothie ingredient.
  4. Spinach-The powerhouse of the vegetable kingdom. Vitamin C, folate and  4 times more beta carotene are a few of its qualities that make spinach a green leafy wonder. A dose of spinach a day keeps the doctor away.
  5. Extra virgin olive oil- People from the Mediterranean are use Olive oil on a daily basis. This explains why their risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer is lower than in other countries. Olive oil is brimming with mono-saturated fats that help lower LDL levels or the so called, bad cholesterol.
  6. Flaxseed- The modern miracle food. It has a high content of Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) that aids in lowering bad cholesterol. Also packed with omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids and fiber as well. Add these seeds in your oatmeal and smoothies. A dash of this miracle seed can go a long way.
  7. Whole grain bread- Dig in to whole grain bread if you love carbs, your belly and your heart. It contains folate which helps form red blood cells. It makes you feel full longer than white bread and lowers your blood cholesterol.
  8. Peanut Butter- Filled with polyunsaturated fat, it keeps your blood vessels healthy. 1-2 spoons a day reduces your cholesterol levels. Put some with your whole grain bread for a twofold hearty benefit.
  9. Dark Chocolate- Flavonoids improves blood flow and a dark chocolate contains 95% of it. Tempting as it may be but do not eat the whole bar of chocolate, it still contains fats and sugar. A piece a day will do the trick for a happy heart.

  1. Salmon- one of the most valued fish in the world. It is rich in Omega 3 fatty acid that lowers the risk for rhythmic disorders and inflammation. 1-2 servings of salmon per week is recommended

Here is one of Chef Carmella Soleil’s (The Sunny Raw Kitchen) healthy smoothie recipe from the Deliciously Raw Book. It is a perfect recipe book for ALL-RAW-ALL-GREEN juices, sauces, dressings, smoothies, soups, deserts, pastes, and cheeses. Chef Carmella has been an expert raw food chef for many years.

(Serves 2)

2 Bananas
1 Mango, fresh or frozen
1 Orange
1-2 cups fresh spinach, according to taste
2 tablespoons Gogi berries (optional)
Juice of ½ lemon or lime
Water, until desired consistency is reached
Sweetener of choice, as needed (you can add blueberries, honey or agave nectar)

Process all Ingredients in the OMNI Blender using the 90 second cycle, or until the greens are completely broken down.
If necessary, adjust sweetness by adding raw agave nectar or honey and blending again briefly.

IF you know of more healthy foods that are not on the list, feel free to leave a comment below.
Let’s get healthy!!

Healthily Yours,
Smoothie Junkie

Photos courtesy of Google Images


When I was a kid I love milk shakes; it was love at first sight. May it be strawberry, chocolate or vanilla topped with whipped cream with cocoa sprinkles or ice cream, it was scrumptious. When I grew older I am still addicted to milkshakes. Who would want to let go of that guilty pleasure, especially for a sweet tooth like me.
But like many relationships, we drifted apart. Meaning, I am no longer happy with my favourite beverage. I saw the flawed inner personality buried under the irresistible image it portrays (too much calories, sugar, weight gain, etc…) and realized I have to stop the habit.

But then again, it is a hard habit to break. So what I did was find a healthier alternative, something with the same taste, texture and appearance on the outside but beneficial to health and wellness.
Needless to say, a guiltless refreshment. To make the long story short, I fell in love with healthy smoothies (It sounds healthier rather than calling it a milk shake) and made it my everyday meal.

 Undoubtedly, A healthy green smoothie is not just a healthy food alternative but it is considered a full meal. Imagine your fruits and vegetables all in one glass, all natural and no preservatives.  I have witnessed the magic of all-green smoothies to a lot of people and I was convinced and motivated to try it myself.
Healthy smoothies have numerous benefits you can enjoy in no time! Here are some facts that I learned that made me a smoothie junkie:

  •        It is an ON THE GO breakfast choice, portable and easy to prepare.
  •         Does not require exact skill to make it perfect. You can experiment and only requires taste buds!
  •         Stabilize blood sugar and cholesterol
  •       Not sinfully costly
  •          Keeps you hydrated. Cannot totally replace water but its way better than coffee or soda.
  •          It keeps you from starvation and cravings at the same time.
  •          And but of course…. It makes you lose weight in no time. (Proven!)

Let me help you on how to start your daily smoothie meal.

        Make sure you have the following:

  1. ·         For newbies, start with your favourite fruit or vegetable one at a time(or two). For some, it took them a while to mix 5-6 fruits and veggies at the same time. Also, stay away from processed /canned fruits and high calorie ingredients.
    ·         Find a base. I suggest you start with coconut milk, yoghurt or soy milk.
    ·         Ice.  Optional; as for me I like it very cold.
    ·         A 3 HP high performance blender. This is a must if you want a smooth texture for your smoothies. (Personally, I use 3 HP OMNI V BLENDER. It is cheaper but with the same performance with the expensive ones in the market.)
    ·         A Recipe/ guidebook. This will help you make delectable smoothies.

Healthy green smoothies is starting to build a pedestal for stardom ( I call it the Bieber Fever of wellness). It is good to know that many people are now health conscious and very cautious with what they eat and don’t eat. Living healthy is fun. You may not realize it now but sooner or later (like me) you will. As I have said at the beginning of this article, smoothies, milk shakes or frappes are guilty pleasures. No matter how sinful they may be our taste buds won’t hesitate to grab those tempting beverages. So, all you need to do is is START making your own nutritious smoothie treat for a healthier new you!

Oh, and by the way….

RULE OF THUMB:  Always make sure your smoothies is all NATURAL for your body’s benefit.

Yours truly,

Smoothie Junkie

Burning it the green way

Have you ever watched a movie and drool over hot bodies that you wish you have? And before you know it, you are on your second bag of chips and soda drink and tell yourself, “this is the last bag of chips…I will start hitting the gym tomorrow!...And then tomorrow never came. I feel for you, I do. I have been feeling the same way over and over again.
Losing weight is something I have been struggling to do ever since I can remember. I t is my frustration that I cannot maintain the weight I lost because it keeps on coming back every time.  Two years ago, I was 10 kilograms over weight. It was not only depressing but very alarming as well. It was a wakeup call; I needed to lose the undesirable weight so I tried diet pills to get back into shape the fastest but in a very wrong way.
I admit it was totally unhealthy and dangerous. Yes, it was effective I lost all 10kilograms In a matter of 5 months but as the saying goes you cannot have it all. I decided to stop the pills because I experienced these symptoms:
·         Dehydration
·         Constipation
·         Excessive sweating
·         Insomnia
·         Pimples/zits
·         Depression
·         Palpitation that could lead to heart attack

Not long after I stopped taking the pills, I was slowly regaining the weight I lost, my appetite was disturbingly big, insomnia worsened and the zits (Oh!) It covered my flawless face for months and now I am left with zit scars reminding me of how I ruined my body by choosing the unhealthy way of losing weight.
This opted me to find healthier ways to solve all the problems mentioned above. I always knew that going green and being fit is always the answer (Who doesn’t?) but I am just too stubborn and lazy to even start the habit.

Losing weight the proper way takes discipline, inspiration and determination. The hardest part of it is the beginning. To start losing weight is to start living healthy and to start living healthy you must forget the old habits and never look back. I made myself a Big 3 attitude mindset to help me start, continue and finish my goal.
  The BIG 3 attitudes to success are:

1.       Discipline- is a mental self- control used in directing or changing behaviour, learning something, or training for something (Encarta). This is easier said than done a lot failed but those who succeeded, oh well, need I say more?

·         Control what you eat- I don’t mean starve yourself. Start with small portions every meal. Cut your food intake into half to it or make a green smoothies for breakfast, believe me it can sustain hunger until your next meal. When I say green, I mean fruits and vegetables without any preservatives.

·         Exercise- Make time to at least jog or go to the gym 2-3 times a day.  We all know it burn calories and fats but it is not only that. It actually gives us more energy, stamina and a more focused and happy mind. It benefits not only on the physical aspect but mentally and emotionally as well.

2.       Inspiration- somebody or something that inspires: somebody or something that inspires somebody to creative thought or to the making of art (Encarta). Be inspired to get you going!
Post Ryan Reynolds’s Abs or Megan Fox’s hot body where you can see it often so you will have the motivation to get the body that inspires you.
Buy a weighing scale and weigh yourself every 3 days so you can see how you progress from time to time and put that in writing. Remember numbers don’t lie and this will inspire you to lose more because you see less numbers.                             
3.       Determination- firmness of purpose, will, or intention; fixed purpose or resolution (Encarta). Be firm enough to finish what you started. Take off lightly; set up short term goals (baby steps) and you will get a hang of it. Don’t do it because you have to, do it because you love yourself and you want your self esteem back. Not to mention, being healthy and fit.

As of this moment I am fist fighting with discipline but I try to make sure my opponent wins over me. Well, It is a win-win situation after all.  So, I hope I helped you somehow, let me know how you enjoy the challenge of losing weight the healthy way.


Smoothie Junkie