Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Managing a day and a night job is very stressful, it drains up all my energy and not even a demitasse of coffee can keep me awake and focused all throughout the day (and night). I opt not to even try energy drinks for the obvious reason that it's unhealthy.What I want is Au Natural, then, I saw my OmniBlender V (of course!) trying to tell me, "make your own energy pump up drink instead" and you bet I did.

I found this simple and delicious smoothie recipe online and decided to try it myself.

1 cup kiwi fruit peeled and cut into pieces
1/2 cup banana cut into pieces
1 cup brewed green tea, cooled
Ice cubes according to smoothie texture
1 tablespoon flaxseed

With of course the help of my OmniblenderV in less than a minute my smoothie booster is ready to drink. It was very light considering the thickness of banana. The calming effect of green tea is very soothing and I can say it was a good one and indeed served its purpose, to pump up some energy to my weak body and mind. I shall explore more natural energy smoothie recipes for I am certain I will be needing it from this day onwards.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Who would have thought that most of the exotic fruits are found here in the Philippines. I did some digging and to my surprise the fruits that I certainly grew up with eating are among the exotic fruits in the world. Exotic fruits or commonly called tropical fruits and are famous for its fresh and citrus orientation. Here are some of the exotic tropical fruits which I find very odd looking and interesting. Not all of them are found in the Philippines though.

1. Kumquat
Originated in China
Looks and taste like orange but in smaller package. Like oranges, it is often used for juices, teas, marmalades or to add a citrus taste on pastries.

2. Duriana.k.a The King of Fruits
Widely popular in Southeast Asia for its overpowering and offensive aroma. Not everyone are pleased with durian but for those who love it (count me in) makes smoothies, candies, pastries, etc. out of it. The rich and creamy texture and taste of the durian fruit will make you dig in for more just cover your nose.

3. Mangosteen

Tropical evergreen tree
This odd looking purple fruit is indeed very delicious. You can just crack it open using your thumb and point finger and eat those white sweet and sour fruit. Be careful with the purple part it stains badly. There are actually people who studied the mangosteen fruit and claimed that it has healing properties which as expected later on they made coffee, teas and food supplements out of it.

4. African Cucumber
a.k.a. The horned melon
It is originally from Africa but can now be found in California and New Zealand. This strange looking fruit is often used for juices, smoothies and as a decoration.

5. Rambutan
Hairy but sweetThis hairy fruit is red and sweet when ripe. You can actually tell when it is sweet just by looking at it especially when a battalion of ants are around the fruit. When eating Rambutan, you have to savor the sweet juice before you eat the fruit.

6. Jackfruit
Largest tree born fruit
Jackfruit is common in Southeast Asia. This huge fruit is used for making marmalade, smoothies and fruit salads. The fruit is sweet and soft but be careful you dont want to eat the whole fruit aside from the fact that you cannot (because its big) it usually causes indigestion in large amount and if not chewed properly.

7. Dragon fruita.k.a Pitaya/ strawberry pearThe most interesting fruit I ever saw because it is actually from cactus species and looking at the fruit, it is not that inviting and looks more like a vegetable for cooking rather than a fruit. But to my surprise it taste pretty good. The dragon fruit tastes like papaya, you can actually eat the seeds. The color is fun and unusual that is why it is often mixed with other fruits to make one delicious smoothies.

There are still a lot of exotic tropical fruits around the world these are jsut a few of them. Explore and taste strange and odd looking fruits of nature. You might be surprise and end up loving it!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Netted Melon

Cantaloupe is a tropical fruit that is very common here in the Philippines. It has various names from all over the world such as rock melon, mush melon and my favorite of them all the netted melon- obviously because the cantaloupe's surface looks like it is wrapped by a net. Cantaloupes are from the family of squash,cucumber and pumpkin.  It is also interesting to know that melons are rich in Vitamin C, E and beta carotene. For a very light and refreshing fruit packed with nutrition, you can never go wrong with cantaloupes.

Melon shake is one of my favorite smoothie beverage because it is very light unlike fruit bases such as avocado and bananas that are thick and creamy. So because of my melon shake craving I drop some fresh melons and blend it!

1 cantaloupe fruit (sliced)
1/4 cup Agave nectar/ Honey
Ice cubes
Milk/Nutmilk/ Yoghurt
1 Banana fruit (optional)

Blend it all together at 60 seconds cycle using OMNI Blender V and serve. You can add melon chunks if you want.

You can never go wrong with this sweet and light beverage. It is not expensive and indeed a practical way of  getting your daily dose of vitamins. Don't you think?


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cook Pesto in 15 minutes (or less)

Pasta has always been my comfort food. I can eat pasta everyday and it never fails to liven up a boring meal. But here's the problem, without my mom or restaurants I would never enjoy my favorite dish in the world. So, I guess it is about time to drag myself into the kitchen and face the challenge of pesto pasta cooking.

Fettuccine Pasta
Prepare a big pot with 3 quarts water, 1 tsp. Olive oil and pinch of salt
Wait until water is boiling before adding the pasta
Cook the pasta for 3-5 minutes
Pasta can be overcooked very quickly. Check for doneness by tasting it.
The pasta should be chewy, not too soft or hard on the center.
Drain Immediately

Basil Pesto Sauce
3 cups fresh basil leaves
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
1/4 cup pine nuts
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tsps. lemon juice
2 large garlic cloves

Process all ingredients in the OMNI Blender using the 60 second cycle, or until smooth.
Add the Basil Pesto paste to the Fetuccine Pasta and serve.

I added another 1/2 teaspoon of salt and pepper to taste.
I cannot find pine nuts so I used peanuts instead.

My pesto challenge was a success, I pulled it through with minimal inaccuracies. At first, the basil tang was over powering so I added more cheese, salt and pepper to balance the flavor. the good thing with cooking your own food is you can adjust the taste anytime you want according to your palate's desire not to mention the fun and happy feeling that you can play pretend chef in your own kitchen. =)


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jamie Oliver's Indian Mango Lassi

I was watching Jamie Oliver's 30 minute meal on TLC when he made this yummy Mango Lassi a punjabi yogurt - based cold Indian beverage. It was easy and fast to do so I decided to make one. This Indian drink is like a mango milkshake and is delicious.

 Indian Mango Lassi
( Recipe from Jamie Oliver)
·         1/2 cup plain yogurt (I used 4 cups 25g Nestle Yogurt)
·         1 cup fresh milk
·         3 fresh mango,sliced
·         4 teaspoons sugar, to taste
·         1 cup ice cubes

Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend for 2 minutes, (1 minute if you use Omni Blender) then pour into individual glasses, and serve. The lassi can be kept refrigerated for up to 24 hours.

So there you go, another tasty beverage you can make in less than 3 minutes.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

What is Nut milk?

Nut Milk is a delicious and healthy alternative to Soy and cow's milk. It is processed by blending nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts,pistachios,etc. Many people are hooked with Nut milk because it is packed with nutrients.

What are the nutrients you can get from nut milk?
In terms of nutrient content Nut milk is very nutritious. for example Almond nut milk has chock-full of Protein, Calcium. potassium, magnessium and phosphorus.

Who can drink Nut Milk?
Nut Milk is the number one Vegans and raw foodist' choice for a dairy substitute and those who have lactose intolerance can safely drink nut milk without having intestinal discomfort. Also, nowadays people are uncovering the significance of nut milk and starting to like how it taste,how easy it is to prepare not to mention the handful nutritional benefits it offers.

Where can I buy one?
Nut Milks come in different nutty flavors at grocery stores. I also suggest you go to your nearest Organic food market, they don't run out of Nut milks.

Can I prepare it myself at home?
Yes of course, It is cheaper and more fun. You can make a lot of different formulas for your Nut milk. You can make an Almond Chocolate Milk, add some strawberries on it,...etc. It is actually fun. Next time I will make a video and show you how easy it is.

What tools will I use to prepare Nut milk at home?
  1. A Blender. I prefer 3HP Blenders like Omni Blender
  2. Nut Milk bag- To strain leftover nut residue

what kind of nuts are used for making nutmilk?
The most common is Almond Nut Milk. However, you can use all types of nuts like almonds, hazelnuts,pistachios, pecan, walnuts, cashew, pine nuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts,...etc. 

How long is the shelf life of Nut Milk?
3-4 days maximum as long as it is stored in your fridge, It is all good.

Is there any disadvantages?

  1. People who are allergic to nuts obviously cannot drink it.
  2. Nuts naturally have acid content so too much Nut milk intake can stain your teeth in the long run.  proper oral hygiene will solve your problem.
  3. Too much intake is always bad. Most cases of abdominal distress from Nut milks are caused by excessive consumption. Drink moderately.
Why is it better than Cow's milk or other dairy?
  1. Lactose-free
  2. More nutrients
  3. Gluten- free
  4. Low in fat (Chestnuts)
  5. Tastier than Dairy and Soy

Nut Milks are not only nutritious but also very easy and fun to make. On my next video blog I will show you how to make one.


The images are not mine unless otherwise stated. Courtesy of googleimages.com

Homemade french dressing

It was a voracious weekend for us at home. Pigging out on a weekend is our guilty pleasure. We eat everything and anything my mom cooks. Her cooking is so scrumptious, even a simple meal is very delicious and irresistible. That is why we do not let her cook yummy dishes on weekdays to save ourselves from gaining extra pounds. That is how good her cooking is.

So we decided to have the classic green salad with a twist of homemade French dressing from Chef Carmella Soleil's Deliciously Raw Book. I volunteered to prepare the dressing, it looks simple and yes I was right. So here’s the recipe for the yummy dressing I made.

1/2 cup roughly chopped tomato
1/2 medium avocado
1/2 cup lemon or lime juice
1/4 cup cold pressed olive oil
1 teaspoon salt/ tamari (to taste)
1 teaspoon chopped green onion
1 teaspoon raw agave nectar or honey
1 teaspoon dried mustard
1/2 teaspoon thyme
2 garlic cloves
1 tsp. Flaxseed

Process all ingredients in the OmniBlender using 60 second cycle or until smooth and creamy. Serve with fresh lettuce.

Taste: The thyme gave it a very distinct taste that stays in your mouth which made it very tasty. The avocado and mustard gave the dressing the creaminess and smoothness. Mild spiciness from the garlic. Sweetness from the honey made it perfect.

Very creamy and smooth considering I blended it only at a 60 second cycle.

Color:  Mustard

Nutrient Content: Lycopene, rich in fiber, vitamin A-B complex, Vitamin C, antioxidants.

Flavourful, tangy and surprisingly yummy. I was surprised to taste every bit of the flavour coming from each and every ingredient. It is sweet, slightly spicy and mildly sour which makes it a perfect dressing for me.

It was my first time to try blending a dressing for my salad, usually I buy commercialized, from the bottle dressings. I was amazed how appetizing it tastes. The experience was fun considering all raw ingredients are from my kitchen and only took me less than 5 minutes to prepare it.

Looking forward to my next raw and homemade dressing.
